IoE Research and Design Services

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0.01 Need Advice for an Early Stage Product or Service?
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0.02 Need Real-Time Problem Solving Help?
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0.03 Need In The Moment Design Help?
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0.04 Need to Run A Design Sprint?
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01.0 I "How Do We Figure Out The Needs of Our Users?"
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02.0 I "How Do We Reduce Customer Churn?”
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03.0 I “How Do We Modernize Our Legacy Systems?”
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04.0 I "How Do We Prioritize A Feature Set for An MVP (Minimum Viable Product/Service)?”
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01.1 Create Solutions to Complex Problems by Participating In An Interactive Design Thinking Workshop I Ideate, Prototype, Test
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02.1 Illustrate Concepts, Gather Feedback, and Gain Consensus by Creating Mock-Ups, Wireframes and Prototyping
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03.1 Conduct A Product Pilot to Roll Out A Small Scale Release of A New Product, Feature, Service with A Select Group of Users
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04.1 Get Customers and End Users to Test Products, Features, and Prototypes by Conducting A User Test or A Usability Test
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01.4 User Research Monthly Subscription
$2,500.00 every month
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01.2 UR I Understand the Competitive Landscape by Identifying Threats and Opportunities
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02.2 UR I Create A Better User Experience by Identifying User Needs, Behaviors, and Pain Points
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03.2 UR I Understand How People Accomplish Goals with Products/Services by Creating User Personas, Journey Maps, User Flows, and Experience Maps
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04.2 UR I Confirm If Intended User Experience Aligns with Customer Expectations by Gathering Feedback on Concepts, Identify Usability Issues, Validate Designs Decisions, Improve User Experience
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01.3 UI I Predict and Synthesize User Behavior by Describing and Visually Representing How A Product Is Likely To Be Used by Sketching, Storyboarding, and Scenario Development
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02.3 UI I Create Low-High Fidelity Mock-Ups, Wireframes, and Prototypes to Showcase How A Early Stage Product Will Visually Look and How It Will Be Used
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01.5 UX/UI Design Subscription Services
$1,500.00 every month
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01.4 ID I Design an MVP with Generative AI
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02.4 ID I Represent the Interests of the Stakeholders to Ensure the Development Team Understands Priorities with Requirements and User Stories
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